This past week I have had writers block. I try to blog at least once a week if I can, but I just couldn't find anything to write about. Ideas and thoughts were there, but they were not able to go from my head to black and white. This past weekend I went to the Grand Traverse Relay for Life. I am the vice chair of the Emmet County Relay. I was just the media rep, but some people dropped out and I decided to step up to the plate and help out (sure I mean what else do I have to do except for 2 jobs, go to doctor's appointments, find time to exercise, and find time to see my fiance?)
So Sherri, the Chair of the Emmet County Relay and I got up early, well early for me on a weekend anyway and drove to Traverse City for the Relay. We got there a little late, well lets say we rolled up just barely in time for the opening ceremony, of which I said a little speech, I wasn't really prepared for that, I walked up on stage and was handed the microphone by Josh, one of my co-workers at the radio station. I really don't remember what I said, but I am sure it was worthwhile (HAHA) I am pretty good at coming up with stuff off the top of my head, that is what I do for a living right? It is a little different though, being in a room by yourself with just a microphone and a room full of about 100 people.
Sherri and I stayed for a while and then we left, planning to come back for the luminaria ceremony later on in the day, hey we drove all the way to Traverse City, so we had to get some shopping in right?
After a feverish search for certain items of clothing in several different stores we were ready to go back to the Relay, and luckily for us we were able to get there in time for the survivor dinner, a delicious spaghetti dinner and chocolate cake for dessert.
We had about 2 hours to kill before the luminaria ceremony, so I got a massage (another one, I love massages) and was able to watch game one of the Stanley Cup Finals. Leave it to me to be able to watch a hockey game at a cancer event, thanks to the Best Buy team for having a sweet HD tv available for viewing.
The luminaria ceremony was very emotional. In case you have never been to one a speech is given, and the names of survivors and those we have lost to cancer are read. It was both inspirational and sad. One person had 80 luminaria bags bought in memory of him. I don't think there was a dry eye in the house, mine included. When the name of my friend Lisa was read by her son, I almost lost it. She is a 9 year survivor of colon cancer.
All I can say is this. If you have been touched by cancer, even in a periphery sense, you should attend a Relay. Yes you can say I am biased because I am a vice chair of the Relay, but also I saw how the day touched the lives of everyone who attended.
So if you have a chance come to the Emmet County Relay for Life on July 18th. If you can't attend that one then find one near you. You wont regret it and it will change your life.
Mel is the producer of The Vic McCarty show on wmktthetalkstation.com Listen live 10am-noon weekdays.
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