07 April 2013

What to do when fever

There is also a myth that when the fever is better not to bathe. It is not entirely true. Even the bath with warm water can make the pores and blood vessels dilate, thus speeding up the process of spending the heat of the body. Bathing can also lead to a sense of comfort and kill germs on the skin surface. But of coarse it is better to consult your physician first, given the diversity of causes of fever. 

A few things to remember when fever is, this mechanism will issue more fluids so that the body becomes prone to dehydration. Plenty of drinking water and eating fruit to balance body fluids removed. 
Avoid wearing thick blankets and warm clothing, because it actually inhibits the release of heat from the body. Take a break and do not do strenuous activities and requires a lot of energy, so the body has enough energy for self-healing process and fight disease.

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