30 Januarie 2015

Help my friend Chris Geiger set a world record

World Record

In February 2011, to coincide with World Cancer Day, Chris Geiger is going to attempt a Guinness World Record.
He is going to try and set a record for “The most published feature newspaper article in one day –  by the same author.”
Currently Chris Geiger writes weekly columns, voluntary, to create awareness for ‘Above and Beyond’  and ‘Cancer Research UK’ .
“Unfortunately Cancer is a bit of a taboo subject, which people tend to shy away from.” Chris Geiger said “If I can use my experience with cancer and my writing to inspire and help people, its time well spent.”
The aim of the World Record, as with Chris Geiger’s weekly columns, is to draw attention to the whole cancer subject, and raise people’s awareness of cancer and how to prevent, detect or treat it.
I’m absolutely thrilled that the Guinness World Records have authorised my attempt, this should enable me to obtain a significantly larger audience, and inspire cancer patients and their families.
In order to set this record, Chris Geiger’s article must comply with a number of conditions, including : Contain at least 1,000 words, appear in different daily newspapers on the same day, and only printed daily newspapers which are published at least five days in the week will count. The daily newspapers must have a circulation of no less than 30,000, and each translated version of his article must contain at least 70% of the same content as the ‘original’.
Newspapers wishing to pledge commitment should make initial contact via this form.
I’m urging everyone reading this or who follows me on the various social networking sites, to lobby their newspapers to get involved in this project. With their help I can set a new record and more importantly put the spotlight on the whole cancer subject, and highlight the great work that is being done to fight the disease. Chris Geiger said.

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